Do you also see remnants of gender inequality in the workplace and want to analyze its dynamics in depth? This course is for you. If you are a woman striving hard to be a breadwinner in society, this course will …
Course Requirements This course requires a curiosity about how the law shapes our world. There are no formal prerequisites, making it suitable for beginners and anyone interested in the basics of legal systems and concepts. Course Description Have you ever …
Course Requirements A curious mind and a passion for global issues! No prior experience in international development is required. This course is designed to welcome everyone, from students and professionals to anyone interested in learning about our world’s challenges and …
Course Requirements A basic understanding of English (intermediate level). A willingness to practice thinking in English consistently. Course Description This comprehensive course is designed for non-native English speakers who aspire to elevate their fluency by learning to think directly in …
Course Requirements An interest in understanding the complexities of human rights No prior knowledge of law or human rights is necessary, just a willingness to learn and engage with the material Access to a reliable internet connection for course materials …
Course Requirements A curious mind and a willingness to engage with complex global issues. No prior background in economics or political science is required, but a basic understanding of current events will be helpful. Course Description Ever wondered why some …
Course Requirements There are no strict prerequisites, but a basic understanding of political science or history can be helpful. You will need a curious mind and a willingness to engage with complex issues that shape our world. Course Description Welcome …
Course Requirements A strong interest in crime and how society deals with it. An open mind to explore new ideas and challenge your assumptions. Course Description Ever wondered what makes a criminal tick? Or how the whole cops-and-courts thing actually …